May Newsletter

We are here for you! 3HH continues to offer grief support. Offering in person support groups, support, and events.

"There is no stronger, braver, or more courageous mother than a mother that has experienced the death of a child. A mother who has endured the unthinkable and yet she still loves with every ounce of her being. A mother who has endured the worst pain and still she is brave enough to face another day."

- Jessi Snapp

International Bereaved Mother’s Day:

An Open Letter to my Fellow Sisters in Loss

Dear Mama,

I know that you never-in your wildest imagination-thought that you would need a day set aside for your broken heart and your empty arms.  

Who thinks when they learn a new life is growing inside that this same life might be cut short?  What heart is brave enough to consider the possibility? 

 Yet here you are.  

 I’m so, so sorry.  

 But there are a few things I want you to know.  There are some important truths to remember on this broken road-truths that can help you hold onto hope and finish strong....

To read the entire article, click here.


Bowling for Hope - May 22nd

May 22nd, 2022
4:00pm - 6:30pm

Chippers Lane
217 W Horsetooth Rd
Fort Collins, CO 80525


Help us kickstart our inaugural fundraiser: Bowling for Hope!

This afternoon event is designed for friends and families, of all ages, to gather and bowl for an amazing cause!

Each ticket purchase= A reserved lane (up to 6 people), bowling shoes, 1 pizza, and 1 pitcher of soda. 

Throughout the event, there will be a chance to play Bowling Bingo (at additional cost) as well as the chance to be entered into drawing for a prize!

Bowling for Hope, Presented by:
Bachus & Schanker Cares Foundation


Benefit Golf Tournament

Please join us for our Annual Benefit Golf Tournament


June 11th, 2022
7:00AM- 12:00PM


Mountain Vista Golf Course
2808 NE Frontage Rd.
Fort Collins, CO 80524

This year’s event will take place at Mountain Vista Golf Course.

Your fee includes:

  • Green Fee, Golf Cart, & Range Balls

  • Gift Bag

  • Continental Breakfast and Lunch

  • Opportunity to win prizes


Registration for Camp BraveHeart:
Kids & Teens is LIVE!

Camp BraveHeart is designed for children and teens who are grieving the loss of a sibling, parent, relative, or close friend. Campers will have the opportunity to share feelings and emotions with other children and teens their age. 

Campers will leave camp with a renewed sense of self and coping skills that will help them manage grief in everyday life.

Camp BraveHeart: Kids

What: A day camp for grieving kids, ages 5-11
When: June 25th, 9:00am-3:00pm
Where: Realities for Children

Camp BraveHeart: Teens

What: An overnight camp for grieving teens, ages: 12-18
When: August 8th- August 10th
Where: Sky Corral Ranch

Mark Your Calendars

Bowling for Hope

May 22nd, 4:00pm

Benefit Golf Tournament

June 11th, 7am


If you are ever looking to give back, we have a created a Center for Hope Amazon wish list. This wish list will continue to be updated as our supplies and needs change. We appreciate you helping us cross items off the list!

Do you love to write? We need you!

3Hopeful Hearts frequently submits grief articles, donor updates, program descriptions and narratives for grants. A volunteer writer, who has 5-10 hours each month to dedicate to the mission of 3Hopeful Hearts, would be incredibly valuable to our team.

Thank You

We hope you will take a few minutes to browse our new website!
3Hopeful Hearts is so grateful for everyone at ClayPot Creative who made our vision come to life!

The Colorado Eagles want to share and extend their gratitude for all 3Hopeful Hearts families, staff, and supporters by offering an opportunity to attend the first playoff game on Wednesday, May 4th, 7:05pm!


June Newsletter


April Newsletter